Surprising Spots to Find March Break Activities
Can you believe it? It’s March already! It seems like just yesterday, the kids were off for Christmas break but now we’re gearing up to have them home for another whole week. And that’s great! We love having them home but … how are we going to keep them busy for a whole week?
We’ve put together some of our favourite places – both at home and around town – to find kid-approved activities that’ll keep March Break boredom at bay!
While they’re usually considered a prime destination for field trips during the school year, many museums will have special March Break programs targeted at kids. And don’t just limit yourselves to the big museums. Canada has over 2,600 museums, so no matter where you live, and no matter what your kids are into, there will be a museum for you. Some of our personal favourites are the Chocolate Museum in St. Stephen, New Brunswick; the Canoe Museum in Peterborough, Ontario; and the Trekcetera Star Trek-themed museum in (of course) Vulcan, Alberta. Try plugging “museums near me” into Google Maps, and you’ll be sure to discover some hidden gems!
We can hear the protests from the kids already (“Mom, we’re on vacation from school, and libraries are basically school. You can’t send us there!”), but hear us out. Libraries are another great source for a wide variety of March Break camps and workshops on all sorts of themes, from art to music to science. And hey, if this also inspires them to take a book home afterward – bonus! We want our kids to love reading outside of the classroom, too!
Social Media
No, we’re not advocating letting your kids spend the week on Instagram or Snap, or whatever platform is so cool and new that we parents aren’t supposed to know about it yet. But the social platforms we are allowed to know about (the ones your teens have already abandoned) are a great resource for art and craft projects to keep younger kids busy all March Break long. Start pinning those artsy ideas and browsing those crafts for kids hashtags now, and you’ll be ready when your kids utter those dreaded words “I’m boooooooored!”
Your Kitchen
Cooking is like crafting, but you get to eat the finished product! Getting your kids involved in making the food they eat has so many benefits, aside from keeping them busy during school breaks. Kids who help cook are more likely to be healthier, and less picky, eaters. They’re also more likely to carry on with those healthier, cook-at- home habits when they grow up. Bring your kids into the kitchen and get them to help prep lunches for when they head back to school, then give yourself a parenting gold star for entertaining the kids while checking an item off your chore list! Need inspiration? We’ve got some great, kid-friendly ideas on our recipes page!
How do you keep your kids busy during March Break? Share your stories with us on our Facebook Page, or over on Instagram by tagging us @maplelodgefarms!
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