About Us

We are creating a sustainable future by providing healthy, wholesome, best quality chicken products with a focus on the humane treatment of animals, the responsible use of resources and the positive development of our employees and the communities in which we operate.

Our People

Our People

Maple Lodge Farms provides stable employment for more than 2900 people across the communities we operate in. That means that our efforts to keep people happy and healthy extend beyond our walls and into the communities we serve through some of the following initiatives:

  • Comprehensive and job specific health & safety training
  • A fair and transparent compensation framework built on market wage surveys
  • Leadership, coaching, and skills development training
  • A dedication to diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives

Giving Back

Giving Back

Without our community, there would be no us. That’s why we’ve made it a priority to participate in several charitable causes:

  • Maple Lodge Farms is a proud Catalyst Donor for building the NEW SickKids Toronto Hospital. We are very proud to have met our commitment to donating $1 million over the last 6 years in support of providing high quality health care to children in our communities.
  • During the COVID pandemic, Maple Lodge Farms donated over $400,000 in chicken and chicken products to organizations assisting communities via food programs.
  • We continue to work closely with Food Banks Canada and Second Harvest with a “We Feed Canadians” goal to relieve food insecurity for those in need.
  • Each year, we support over 200 community events through the Maple Lodge Farms’ Special Events Team.

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare

At Maple Lodge Farms we know that the best chicken comes from birds that are raised ethically. To ensure our products are the best, we demand a high standard of animal welfare throughout our process:

  • Comprehensive animal welfare training for all our employees who work at hatcheries, on farms, for catching or transportation companies, or those who handle live birds at our processing facility.
  • Zero tolerance policy for violations of our humane care policy with an anonymous reporting mechanism to trigger action.
  • We work with a dedicated team of field consultants to assist our farmer partners.
  • State-of-the-art modular loading, trucking, and controlled atmosphere stunning system.

For more information, on our commitment to Animal Welfare, Click Here.

Responsible Resource Use

Responsible Resource Use

Having our roots in family farming means being a good steward of the environment is just part of our DNA. As a company, our philosophy is that sustainability shouldn’t be a separate plan or project but instead a mindset, a way of doing business. We are committed to conserving resources and reducing our impact on the environment every day. As a proud recipient of Canada’s Clean 50 Top Projects award, we could not be prouder of our many conservation initiatives including:

  • Being one of the first processors in Canada to install a biological organic air filtration system to remove odour emissions from our Brampton plant
  • Operating an onsite wastewater treatment facility that discharges clean water back to the environment every day
  • Operating a cogeneration plant that generates 50% of our electricity requirements and supplies all steam and hot water at our Brampton facility
  • Having a 90% waste diversion rate

Healthy Food for All

Healthy Food for All

Now to the meat of the matter: providing high quality, healthy and delicious food for our families across the nation. We consider this our number one priority, and one we take very seriously:

  • We oversee the process from egg to grocery store to ensure a high standard of bird welfare, and food quality and safety at every step along the way to your table.
  • Our field representatives and veterinarians work closely with farmers to ensure chickens are healthy and growing as expected.
  • Our operations are certified to the highest standards of the Global Food Safety Initiative and are rigorously monitored and tested through internal and third-party audits.
  • We are proud to offer a full range of nutritious products including natural, raised without antibiotics, organic, and halal offerings which expand beyond just chicken.
  • We are committed to contributing high quality food to those in need through our partnerships with several local food banks.

Our Commitment to Accessibility & Ethical Labour Standards

As a family-owned company, Maple Lodge Farms (MLF) is deeply committed to upholding “family first” values and this is at the core of everything we do. Our unwavering dedication to these values extends beyond our purpose – “We feed Canadians” – to prioritize the well-being of all our workers, the communities we serve, the animals upon which we exact our livelihood, and the environment we call home.

In fulfilling our mission, we at Maple Lodge Farms are committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders including our clients, customers, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors who may enter our premises. We understand that we have a responsibility for ensuring a safe, dignified, and welcoming environment for everyone.

As an organization, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) and Ontario’s Human Rights Code (The Code). Please read our Customer Service Accessibility Policy, Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.

We are also committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our operations, including the prevention of forced and child labour. As a covered entity under the Fighting Against Forced and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, a recent report provides an overview of our efforts for the 2023 reporting year to prevent and reduce the risk of forced and/or child labour within our operations and supply chain.

Click here to view the full report.

For further information on our policies, please feel free to contact us.