Sweet, spicy, and BBQ: the hat trick of chicken wings recipes. The longer you marinate these wings, the more intense the flavour is, so get your game face ready!

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  • 24 Fresh From The Farm Chicken Wing pieces
  • Marinade:
  • 3/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes (or to taste)
  • Salt & pepper


1Combine marinade ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil; boil for 2 minutes.

2Place marinade in a large bowl and let cool completely.

3Toss with chicken wings and let stand in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

4Remove wings from marinade and grill wings over medium heat for about 20 minutes, turning once or twice and brushing with the sauce, or until cooked through (watching carefully to avoid over-charring).

To make sure your chicken is cooked through, look for an internal temperature reading of 82° C for a whole chicken and 74° C for ground poultry, chicken pieces & cuts.

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