Family Day Activity Guide: Board Games

Family Day Activity Guide: Board Games

If you’re looking for a way to get everyone together for family day, but don’t want to brave the frigid February temperatures, board games are just the activity for you!

Selecting a board game can sometimes be one of the biggest challenges, especially for those who have kids with an age gap. To help take the stress out of planning, we’ve put together a list of some of our favourite go-to board games.

Preschool & up: Candy Land, it’s simple, exciting and one of the most beloved preschooler games!

School Age & up: Guess Who is perfect for kids who love to ask questions and feed their curiosity.

Tweens/Teens: Monopoly is  one of the most popular board games of all time, and can also help begin teaching   your kids some important lessons on fiscal responsibility.

Young Adults: Trivia is the perfect game for families with young adults,  or who may already have a family of their own. The great thing about trivia  is you can play with small or large groups, teams, solos and duos.

All ages: One thing that every age group has in common is the ability to build up an appetite.  That’s why we recommend making this delicious Chicken Quesadilla recipe on game night.  It’s a quick and easy snack to make, which means less pause in the action, more game time and fun with the family.  

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